Sustainability Strategy

Our pursuit of results is guided by the principle of sustainable management across the entire value chain. We are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, focusing on sustainable operations, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and respecting the communities in which we operate.

Socioenvironmental Monitoring

Direct Suppliers

We provide traceability to the final consumer in both domestic and international markets through QR codes present on 100% of our fresh products, available in three languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Mandarin).

In the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, we only purchase from suppliers who comply with the criteria of the Beef On Track Protocol, established by Imaflora. Suppliers that fail to meet full compliance are blocked.

We monitor 100% of our direct cattle suppliers across all biomes where we operate.

Beef On Track

Ana Beatriz Silva Santos

Sustainability analyst

Amazon Biome

Our cattle procurement controls in the Amazon biome are periodically audited. In 2023, during the fifth audit cycle by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Pará (part of the 1st Unified Audit Cycle for the Livestock Supply Chain in the Legal Amazon), it was confirmed that 100% of our purchases met socioenvironmental compliance standards. This marked our second consecutive audit achieving the highest compliance rate.

The audit certified that our direct suppliers operate outside deforested areas, indigenous lands, conservation units, and are not listed among organizations involved in conditions analogous to slavery, among other criteria.


of Direct Suppliers Monitored


Compliance Achieved

Unified Audit Cycle

Cerrado Biome

In a pioneering move, we became the first meatpacking plant to implement the Voluntary Monitoring Protocol for Cattle Suppliers in the Cerrado in July 2023. This initiative is coordinated by Proforest, Imaflora, and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). At the time of implementation, the protocol was in its pilot phase, but we were already prepared to meet its requirements thanks to our prior experience in supplier management. By April 2024, the protocol reached its final version and was adopted by other meatpacking plants.

Indirect Suppliers

In the coming years, one of the major challenges is enabling the monitoring of indirect suppliers. Our goal is to achieve 100% monitoring by 2030, applying the same protocols used for direct suppliers across all biomes and to all production units. However, we aim to accelerate the mitigation of Level 1 indirect deforestation by 2025, which refers to deforestation originating from the suppliers of our direct suppliers.

In compliance with the Febraban Protocol – SARB26, we published the results of the Level 1 Indirect Supplier Monitoring conducted in 2023.

Febraban Protocol

Control of Origin: FriGol Goals


2030 Achieving 100% Compliance in Indirect Supplier Monitoring

“We are always striving for the evolution of our processes, which is why we intend to accelerate the mitigation of Level 1 indirect supplier deforestation to 2025”.

Carlos Corrêa, Chief Sustainability and Administrative Officer

Environmental Indicators

Climate management, emissions and decarbonization

Climate change management is part of FriGol’s business strategy. We are committed to minimizing emissions and contributing to global decarbonization efforts.

We use energy consciously. Since 2016, we have been sourcing renewable energy from the free market, and since 2023, we have been using 100% renewable electricity in our operations. As a result, between 2016 and 2023, we prevented the emission of 23,516.56 tCO2, which is equivalent to 2,351.66 hectares of forests, covering an area equal to 3,293.64 football fields (CBF standard).

In parallel, we are working towards biomass self-sufficiency in Pará, used in the production of steam for our industrial units. This is possible thanks to a planting project of approximately 280 hectares of eucalyptus, distributed across the municipalities of Água Azul do Norte and São Félix do Xingu, which will provide 100% autonomy by 2028.

100% of energy from renewable sources

GHG Inventory

We aim to define Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets and are making progress in building an action plan to reduce them. In 2023, we conducted our second Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory, covering Scopes 1 and 2, with data from 2022. Our references include the Brazilian GHG Protocol, GHG Protocol Agriculture and Livestock, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Water Resources

All of our units are equipped with Effluent Treatment Plants that treat 100% of the water used in our industrial processes, returning it to the environment in compliance with current legislation.

FriGol operates in areas not affected by water stress; however, our goal is to reduce water consumption by up to 15% per m³ per head slaughtered by 2025.


We work to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much material as possible, while minimizing or eliminating waste sent to landfills.

By 2025, we aim to encourage the use of post-consumer recycled materials in packaging and reduce the volume of waste sent to sanitary landfills by 30%.

Among our initiatives, we highlight the reverse logistics of cardboard and plastic packaging. Through the use of Recycling Credit Certificates, in partnership with Eureciclo, we ensure the reintegration of recycled materials into the production cycle.

We also utilize residual by-products from animal slaughter for the production of meat and bone meals and industrial tallow. In addition, organic waste, such as ruminal content and sludge, is transformed into organic compost through composting processes and used as fertilizer.


Aware of our responsibility to the planet, we recognize that forest preservation is essential to maintaining biodiversity.

Therefore, we have policies, such as our Sustainability and Socioenvironmental Monitoring policies, processes, and initiatives aimed at strengthening biodiversity and raising awareness among stakeholders about preventing deforestation, fires, and other related issues.


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